Sanjan Nagar school students won awards at the ARTBEAT Exhibition held at FaizGhar

Sanjan Nagar school students attended and won awards at the ARTBEAT Exhibition held at FaizGhar. The purpose of the event was the Announcement of Art Beat competition Results and Exhibitions. This Year they are awarding the prizes to the 30 best winners of the Art Beat at national level as well as encouraged many other students by displaying their artwork in the Exhibition. The theme was “Me and My Rights” I am glad to inform all of you that the following artists from Sanjan Nagar School won and received prizes at yesterday ceremony.

•    Somia Hafeez 4th Prize – 4000
•    Ambreen 5th prize-2000

The artwork of Fizza Hafeez grade 8th and Nisha Toseph grade 9th also displayed in the exhibition and awarded with special Certificate of Appreciation. Art Beat also Awarded Sanjan Nagar School teachers (Zarish and Sehzad Harrison) with Certificate of Appreciation.A Certificate of acknowledgment was also awarded to Sanjan Nagar School for participation.