Celebration of World Children’s Day

This is a day for children, by children, all over the world to help save children’s lives, fight for their rights and help them fulfill their potential.

November 20th is an important date as it was the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It was also the date in 1989 when the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is a day that is all about the importance of children and how they have special rights and freedoms that help them to grow into happy, healthy adults.

Sanjan Nagar Students celebrated the day by sharing the history, purpose and importance of the day  through skits, enactments, speeches and performances on Poems/songs.

”Hum mazy sy parhana chahty he.”
“Give me some sunshine, give me some rain.”
“We have got rights”

Students raised their voices and created awareness about the challenges children in Pakistan are facing.

Some of the students from grade five shared experiences from their daily observations and shared the actions they can take and are taking for the children who are deprived from their rights.

Carol Shafique from grade five shared that she shared her gifts with children work at brick kiln. Some of the students shared their rights with the school community through placards and posters.

World child Rights day is celebrated on 20th November every year to promote international togetherness and awareness among children and adults. Sanjan Nagar’s secondary section celebrated  Child Rights Day to sensitize students and adults about the rights of children. Students from Grade 6 to 8 presented their thoughts regarding children’s rights through speeches, role plays, skits and poems in both languages (Urdu and English).

They emphasized on following rights during their presentations;


  • Right to Education
  • Right to Survive
  • Right to develop fully
  • Right to be protected from danger
  • Right to freedom and peace
  • Right for shelter
  • Right to protect from harmful influences
  • Right to protect from abuse and exploitation
  • Right to good food

Students didn’t only talk about their rights but some of them sensibly reminded the audience about their responsibilities too. They related the idea of child labor with one of the very important right of children that is to get education. A poem of Noreen Sehar with the title “Khwaab cheeno, gumaan mat cheeno, mujhse meri Urhaan mat cheeno” depicted the idea how up they want to fly.